The Best Egg Laying Chickens For Your Homestead
Whether you're looking to turn a profit from your farm or just getting serious about living that homestead life, your next step is to find out what the best egg laying chickens are. Continue reading and find out which chicken breeds will suit your egg production needs.
Top 10 Best Egg Laying Chickens
Chickens lay eggs all year round – with a highly productive hen, you're looking at 200 or more eggs per year. So choose your breeds wisely and you'll be a well-stocked homesteader, egg-wise, with only a couple of chickens in your flock. Let’s see these 10 well-known and productive egg layers with this impressive infographic:
Top 10 Chicken Breeds
1. Plymouth Rock
Good To Know:
Class: American
Size: Heavy
Hardy in winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
Good To Know:
Class: American
Size: Heavy
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/perweek)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: X-Large
3. Leghorn (White)
Good To Know:
Class: Mediterranean
Size: Medium
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: White
Egg Size: X-Large
4. Wyandotte
Good To Know:
Class: American
Size: Heavy
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
5. Sussex
Good To Know:
Class: English
Size: Heavy
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size: Large
6. Australorp
Good To Know:
Class: English
Size: Heavy
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/week)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
7. Chantecler
Good To Know:
Class: American
Size: Heavy
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
8. Minorca
Good To Know:
Class: Mediterranean
Size: Heavy
Hardy In Winter: No
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: White
Egg Size: X-Large
9. Delaware
Good To Know:
Class: American
Size: Heavy
Hardy In winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Very Good (4/week)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
10. Star
Good To Know:
Class: Not Recognized
Size: Medium
Hardy In Winter: Yes
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying: Excellent (5/per week)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
Well, my fellow homesteaders, as you can see there is quite the selection of excellent egg-laying chickens. This list can be a good starting point to start a flock. From here, you can start narrowing down which breed or two will work best in your weather and suit your lifestyle. Enjoy chicken keeping!