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How Long Can You Store Emergency Food
Emergency food is a type of long-term storage food that is designed to last for several years and provide sustenance during an emergency...
Survival Priorities: How to Get Started Without Feeling Overwhelmed
It is normal to feel a little overwhelmed when confronted by the sea of information on preparedness. Everyone seems to have opinions and...

Should I Eat That?
The Universal Edibility Test, Rules of Thumb & Signs of Spoilage In survival ordeals that last weeks or months, food procurement usually...

How a Simple Life Is a Hefty Prep
I always hankered for the country life, despite the fact I was raised in the big city. Summers were spent on the family farm, visiting my...

Why Beans Are the Ultimate Hack for Home, Health, and a Sustainable Life
Few foods can rival the humble bean when building a nutritious and sustainable diet. Whether you’re a seasoned health enthusiast or just...

How to Cook Perfect Meals Over an Open Fire
A campfire provides a warm place to gather outdoors, but you can do more with that welcome heat than just relax in its radiance while...

How to Turn Every Room into a Panic Room Part 3: Decentralize Food Storage and Preparation
Disaster scenarios and quasi-collapse scenarios all affect essential functions of life. The ability to maintain safe food storage and...

10 Best Late-Season Deer Foods and How to Hunt Them
Keeping tabs on the best deer food is important throughout the fall, but in the late season, it’s pretty much the entire ball game....

Why Food Storage and Production Are So Important
In comparing the continuum of survival needs to the historical record, famine is one of a few disasters that takes entire civilizations...

Venison Backstrap Recipe Ideas: The Ultimate Wild-Game Guide to Cooking Our Favorite Cut
As much as we love the look of a shoulder mount or deer skull on the wall—the real trophy of a successful deer hunt is the wild game we...

How Can You Build Up Food Storage on a Budget?
Building up food storage may seem overwhelming, especially when you're trying to keep costs low. However, with the right strategies and a...

Thief Steals the Head of a Hunter's 10-Point Buck After He Walked Away to Get a Game Cart
On the opening weekend of Montana's rifle season, an antler thief cut off the head of a hunter's whitetail buck while he was hiking to...

Dehydrating Food: Why to Do it, How to Start
Dehydrating food is considered one of our oldest—if not oldest—method for preserving food. For as long as our species has been gathering,...

Safe Indoor Emergency Cooking Solutions
A winter storm rages outside when suddenly you are surrounded by an eerily, silent darkness. After grabbing a flashlight you realize that...

How Inflation Affects your Prepper Pantry
According to an analysis I conducted this weekend, stocking your prepper pantry costs more than ever. I collected pricing info on a...

How to dry herbs at home (and why you should)
For thousands of years , herbs have been used in food preparation and for medicinal purposes. How did those ancient herb enthusiasts...

Weird Ways to Get Food After SHTF
As preppers, we are specifically prepping for SHTF to avoid having to forage for food in a post-SHTF world. This will be dangerous and...

How To Stock An Emergency Food Pantry For Less Than $60
Do you have enough food for an unexpected snowstorm? Are you ready for a natural catastrophe? If not, now is the time to start. FEMA...

7 Common Animals You Should Never Eat
You’ll want to know what common animals you shouldn’t eat in an emergency. There are plenty of animals you can hunt, cook, and eat...

Why These Items Skyrocketed in Price This Year
There’s no doubt about it, prices seem to be going up on everything from groceries to gas and even ground beef. With all these...

Getting Your Prepping Stockpile Ready For When You Need It Most
Many people have special things they do at the beginning of the year. For me, that means taking inventory in more ways than one. That’s...

Secrets of the Deer Guides: Hunt Early, Forget the Moon, and Avoid These Mistakes
Most every whitetail guide worth his salt is a hard worker, but Joel Artis of Buffalo County Outfitters takes things to a whole...

Making Your Own MREs Really Isn't That Hard
We likely all know what Meals Ready to Eat, or MREs are. Just in case you are unfamiliar with the term, MREs are those handy, single...

How to start pickling food
People have been pickling for more than 4,000 years , making it one of the oldest methods of food preservation. The technique extends the...

Fall Bass Fishing: Tactics for Autumn Bucketmouths and Bronzebacks
Outside of spring, there's no better time to target smallmouth, largemouth, and spotted bass than the fall. As the summer heat fades away...

How to Hunt Early Season Deer: 10 Expert Tips
I love early season deer hunting. The weather is nice. You don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn, as early season hunting is mostly...

How to Cook Over a Fire, According to a Survival Instructor
Many aspiring campers have romantic visions of meals cooked over a wood-fueled open fire. Then, they try it. The result is often bread...

Food Inflation, Ice Cream, and the Death of Eating Out
The following may make me sound like a grumpy old man complaining about how things were better “in the good ol’ days,” but bear with me....

The Five Stages of Hunting
Last Sunday, I was lucky enough to shoot this black duck-mallard hybrid along with a handsome greenhead on the river bottom near my home....

When to Break the Rules and Hunt Early-Season Deer in the Morning
1. When you have a secondary food source pinned. The main reason for not hunting mornings in the early season is to avoid bumping a buck...

Prepper Freezer Food (7 Survival Foods For Frozen Storage)
The year 2020 taught us a lot. It was never more apparent that we need to be prepared to hunker down and bug in at home. In recent...

8 Tricks for Emergency Cooking in a Natural Disaster
Your everyday local thunderstorm, or a full-fledged grid-down disaster, can leave your home cut off from your normal utilities and way of...

Food list: How to build your survival pantry with long-lasting food from the supermarket
There are two ways to build up your emergency food pantry. One way is to store extra of the non-perishable foods you already eat in daily...

The 7 Safest Edible Mushrooms to Forage and Eat
There is some great eating out there in the fungal world, and some of the best-tasting mushrooms are also quite safe, with no or few...

Survival Livestock Every Prepper Should Own
We have all heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” During a doomsday disaster scenario, you will eventually be eating only what you...

10 clever ways to reuse coffee grounds
Americans consume an average of two cups of coffee daily, primarily using single-cup brewers, though drip coffee makers remain popular....

Are You Scouting for This Fall’s Buck Yet? You Should Be
For most of us, July is a month reserved for fishing, grilling, and maybe the beach. Not Minnesota whitetail expert Bob Borowiak, who...

Halloween in July
A week or two ago, I saw something ominous at the grocery store. As I walked from the frozen food section, past the pharmacy, and towards...

Low Cost Prepping – Your Survival on a Budget
Low cost prepping is actually a doable task. We all should be prepared for the worst outcomes of today’s reality, but we don’t have to...

How to Stockpile Food for Emergencies
Learn how to correctly stockpile food and deal with any emergency or disaster that forces you to stay at home and limit your mobility....

Urban Eats: 5 Edible Plants to Forage in the City
Want to forage for wild food? It’s easy when you live in a wild place. However, those dwelling in more domestic areas face challenges...

Wilderness Survival – How watching Wild Animals can Help you Survive
In a wilderness survival situation, animals can provide you with not only food but valuable knowledge of the environment around you....

Third human case of bird flu tied to dairy cow reported in US: 'Underscores the importance of recommended precautions'
A Department of Health and Human Services spokesperson has said the government is in the final stages of preparing for distribution 4.8...

Canned venison is handy to have in your pantry, whether it’s plain canned venison or in stews and pasta sauces. Here’s how to go about...

Do’s and Dont’s of Cooking Wild Game
As hunters and anglers, we’re spoiled. We have the pleasure of serving friends and family the free-range organic protein we caught,...

From the Forest to Your Plate: Identify Safe and Delicious Foraging Plants
Foraging for wild plants can be a rewarding and enriching experience, as well as a great way to connect with nature and practice...

I Ate Only MREs for a Month and This Is What Happened
For any prepper, the easiest and safest option for nutrition in a SHTF scenario is a MRE, or Meals, Ready to Eat. But have you ever...

Black bear kebabs make family sick with parasitic worms
It was supposed to be a celebration, but one family’s unique meal of black bear meat sent several members to the hospital instead. The...

How Long Are MREs Good For? The Precise Answer Is Here.
MREs (or Meals Ready-to-Eat) are packaged meals that come in individual servings. They’re easy to store and don’t require cooking, which...

Cowboy Coffee: How To Make It In 3 Simple Methods
Cowboy coffee is not just a trendy term but also a useful method for making coffee without any equipment. Learn how to make cowboy coffee...
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